Saturday, December 5, 2009

Stella Goes to Disney World!

Well, we did it....David always has said we will never take our kids to Disney till they are old enough to remember....oops! ;) heres why we broke the rule..... we qualified for this trip with our Amway Global business. They sent us to the Dolphin hotel on the Disney property.

We had a really great time. It was nice to head out after Thanksgiving and get some sunshine and heat! Amway Global gave us park passes one of the days so we went to Epcot (you can walk there from the Dolphin,.... very nice :) Another night they rented out Universal Studios for the qualifiers so there were no lines and we had the park to ourselves. It was also fun because you could eat anywhere and they picked up the tab. You could even grab an ice cream bar from some of the street vendors and Amway Global picked it up.....I am sure a frozen Mickey on a stick probably goes for about $7 :)

I didn't really care what we did at the parks but I had to have Stella get pictures with Mickey and all the characters!! It was fun for all of us. It is fun to get to experience all of these things with her (wether she remembers it or not ;)

She decided she loves pickles! (Didn't even make a face! :) Now that we are home and I am trying to give her cereal it is not going well.....she is much more excited about pickles...who knew??

Papa and Grammie Lewis qualified for the trip as well so we all got to hang out together!!

We were blessed to be able to take this trip and spend some more family time together. Can't wait to see where we go next!

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