Monday, August 17, 2009

Details, Details, Details......

Ok....for those of you who want some details, here we go! Stella ended up coming 11 days past her due date. My water broke on a Monday evening @ 9:30pm with David, my dad & mom, Jessica & Carter all here in our living room. My contractions started about 10:00 and we started timing them at 11pm. I had 1 that was 7 minutes apart, the next few were 5 min. apart then we went to 4min and then 3 min apart each last 2-2:30 minutes....and that all happened in about 40 minutes time! Needless to say, we were off to the hospital. Once we got there I told EVERYONE that I wanted my epidural!

I was dilated to a 4 when I got to the hospital and about an hour or so later I finally got the epidural...........are you kidding me!....if there were no epidurals this girl would NEVER have another child....WOW!! The contractions were all in my back so I have no idea what a stomach contraction would be like...but that's ok too ;) Pretty soon, we were watching the contractions on the monitor like a movie and I was finding it hard to believe because I was completely calm and comfortable in bed...did i say how much I love epidurals??

Anyways, after 8 hours of labor, Ms. Stella Grace entered the world at 6:12 am. She came out with full head of hair, just like her daddy's. 36 Hours from the time we arrived at the hospital we were leaving. It was great to bring her home and show her her nursery that we had gotten ready for her. (I will have to post pics of that sometime :)

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